Grape Seed Extract For Radiant Skin: A fad or a Fact?
Grape Seed Extract For Radiant Skin
Grapeseed Oil Benefits For Skin – We love red wine, don’t we? Some love the taste and texture of it while some are thrilled with its benefits. We have our own reasons!
We all know that red wine gets better as it ages! But, what if the component of wine can really stop your aging signs from appearing? The grapeseed extract in the skincare realm gives the wine a run to the cork.
What is Grapeseed Oil?
Grapeseed oil is a byproduct of winemaking. As the winemakers make grapes into wine, the remnant grape seeds are turned into an elixir that packs a powerful punch of health and beauty benefits.
It penetrates the skin quickly, leaving it soft, supple, and nourished. In short, this is all that and a bag of chips that is lighter in texture and absorbs easily into the skin.
Grapeseed Oil Benefits For Skin
2. Protects against free radicals
Packed with antioxidants like vitamin C, Vitamin E, beta-carotene, and polyphenols that help in warding off the free radicals due to exposure to the Sun and environmental aggressors. The free radicals (bad guys) have an oxidative reaction on the skin exhibiting the aging signs on the skin as a result. Thus, the skin gets wrinkles, fine lines, age spots, and irritated skin.
Uniqaya Body Scrub & Polisher – Best Product With Grapeseed Oil Benefits
Grapeseed Oil has been under the radar for quite a while now! It’s your chase to steal the start of the skincare. Time to pull up the curtain and shine a spotlight on the ingredient- grapeseed oil- in the form of Body Scrub and Polisher.
The formula of Uniqaya Body Scrub and Polish is fabulous with coffee, brown sugar, grape seed oil, apricot kernel oil, and sweet almond oil. Used as a nourishing and moisturizing oil along with the scrubbing agents, the grape seed oil enters the skin deeply.
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